
PolicyCON: Opposing Pre-conceived Notions

A more practical elaboration of PolicyCON and how and why it has come to be, what it hopes to achieve, and further the impact of societal, political and economic issues on the creation and development of Policy.

The Rule of Law is a political ideal that states all citizens and institutions within a country are accountable to the same laws. This reiterates the notion of constitutionalism, ingrained within society today, as seen through electoral politics and other principles of the English constitutional government. The illustrated rule of law parallels with what PolicyCON stands for; to invade and suppliant the established regime, we must put our opinions forward to create a fairer world. And that is what we hope to achieve at PolicyCON. Brace yourselves for the launch of PolicyCON, as it is an operation unlike any other in its public-spirited humanitarian aims.

An issue in the current news is an unfulfilled promise by previous prime minister Boris Johnson, who stated his tram would ‘fix the crisis in social care once and for all’. This was in 2019, now a full four years on, charities are riling against the government and its false promises to invest time and money into the crumbling, underfunded British social care system.  The Care and Support Alliance, a group of charities, has been campaigning for such a change, but nothing has come of it, with current prime minister Sunak not even addressing their concerns. With morale low in this regard, if we look at the private care sector, we can hope to implement policies which make such care more accessible to individuals who cannot pay the total amount for it.

Government policies must be put forward to allow individuals to input on them; however, where the government fails to address this, we can alternatively look at other sectors with policies ascribed and under review. For example, users of PolicyCON can have their input on private company policies and how they are run. For example, suppose a private company has a minimum threshold of payment that must be taken to look after – say, an elderly person the policy-making process. In that case, individuals can request other ways to pay, for example, on finance. This could potentially open more doors for individuals who need care but, at the moment, cannot afford it. Plus, a part-by-part payment plan can be a backup until individuals reach the public healthcare sector.

Whilst I have spoken a lot about what subscribers can achieve through the medium of PolicyCON, I should explain how this would come about. So, subscribers would have open communication lines with policymakers and analysts. Policy analysts who sign up to PolicyCON act as a self-employed third party. PolicyCON wants to redefine who a Policy Analyst is; the definition expands to include all and sundry with an interest in specific policy areas, not limited to those with a degree. The analysts have particular knowledge of areas of public policy and are required to provide insight and analysis of the information they gather.

A holistic perspective is undertaken to fully acknowledge the negatives and positives within their domains; in this comprehension, they can seek out opportunities and potential remedies in some regions of Policymaking. Policy stakeholders are the people personally involved in the policy-making process; they represent the interests of individuals and are used to really listening to the subscribers so they can reiterate concerns and issues they are having to the right people during the policy-making process. In addition to this, Policy Stakeholders are also required to coordinate their advocacy with that of the subscribers, bridge the gap between regular individuals and the policy-making process, and ensure the voices of the community are heard to make real changes in the lives of thousands.

Now that you know how PolicyCON makes the change, we should address the ever-growing issue of societal challenges, which there will no doubt be a shortage of. It is important to note that platforms like PolicyCON endeavour to propel the view of each individual, so anything you say will be put forward to the relevant authority. In the US, there has been a recent outcry concerning transgender individuals competing in female sports. More recently, a swimmer faced backlash due to being transgender and winning a women’s swimming competition. There have been numerous calls for policies in this regard to be changed as such individuals have the biological advantage of being previously male that female athletes do not. At PolicyCON, we would connect individuals with policy stakeholders, and if they wanted to address this issue or give their views on it, they would be able to do so.

To summarise, it is now clear what PolicyCON aims to do and how we hope to achieve it; there is no shortage of issues in this world, whether societal, economic or political. PolicyCON hopes to give a voice to every individual who may previously have not been heard or individuals who are interested in Policy and wish to better the world through advocating for their desired change.