
About Us

Welcome to PolicyCON, an award-winning platform that is revolutionising the way we engage with policy. We believe that policy professionals are not limited to experts with formal credentials but include anyone with a personal or professional interest in a policy area. Our mission is to redefine who a policy professional is and bring policymaking and its influence to the doorstep of every individual.

At PolicyCON, we are disrupting the traditional think tank industry by providing an inclusive space where every voice matters. We democratise policy discussions by ensuring that individuals from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives can actively participate and contribute to the policy dialogue.

What We Offer:

  • Redefining Policy Professionals: We believe that policy expertise is not confined to a select few. We welcome individuals from all walks of life, whether they are academics, researchers, practitioners, activists, or simply passionate individuals with personal interests in policy areas. Everyone has a unique perspective to offer, and we empower them to shape policy outcomes.
  • Bringing Policy to Your Doorstep: We believe that policymaking should not be confined to exclusive corridors of power. With PolicyCON, we bring policymaking and its influence to the doorstep of every individual. Our platform enables you to stay informed about policy developments, engage in meaningful discussions, and actively contribute to the policy decisions that impact your life.
  • Democratising Policy Discussions: We ensure that every voice is amplified through the subscribers’ support on our platform. Subscribing to analysts of interest allows you to support and empower the voices that resonate with you. By democratising access to expert insights and analysis, we foster a diverse and inclusive policy community that values the contributions of all.


Why Choose PolicyCON:

  • Inclusivity and Diversity: We embrace the power of diverse perspectives. By including individuals with varied backgrounds, experiences, and interests, we create a vibrant and inclusive community that reflects the richness of the policy landscape.
  • Empowering Individuals: We believe that every individual should have the opportunity to participate in shaping policies that affect their lives. PolicyCON provides a platform where your voice can be heard, your ideas can make a difference, and your actions can have a real impact on policy outcomes.
  • Disrupting the Think Tank Industry: We are challenging the traditional think tank model by democratising access to policy expertise and fostering a community-driven approach. We empower individuals to become active participants in the policy process and disrupt the traditional power dynamics in policymaking.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: Our user-friendly platform utilises state-of-the-art technology to facilitate seamless networking, knowledge sharing, and collaboration. We leverage the latest tools to ensure that your experience on PolicyCON is intuitive, engaging, and impactful.


Join us at PolicyCON and be part of a movement that redefines policy professionals, democratises policymaking, and disrupts the think tank industry. Together, let’s shape policies, foster informed debates, and create a more inclusive and participatory approach to policymaking.

Press release/News

calendar with pen
Kickstarting Ideas: Interview with…Kwame Asamoah Kwarteng
newsletter pack


kwame with a mic
Masood Entrepreneurship Centre Showcase 2022
discussion panel


PolicyCon represented @ MEC Showcase 2022 by CEO/Co-Founder

Venture Further Competition 2022

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